

sSound VVoicee Pperfformer. 
Always been interested in language as a tool for interpreting and transforming reality - My artistic expression involves sound, poetry, and extended voice techniques aimed at evoking grotesque and liminal narrative tensions.

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sSound VVoicee Pperfformer.
Always interested in language as a tool for creating and interpreting the world, his artistic expression involves sound, poetry and extended voice techniques aimed at evoking grotesque and liminal narrative tensions.




sSound VVoicee Pperfformer

Matto Zoppi, short for Matteo, is an Italian performer and sound artist working between Florence and Berlin.
Always been interested in language as a tool for interpreting and transforming reality, my artistic expression involves sound, poetry, and extended voice techniques aimed at evoking grotesque and liminal narrative tensions.

The educational artistic path involves individual literature and electronic music studies and several improvising experiences as a musician and performer, which parallels numerous years in theater field as a professional actor.

He attended masterclasses in voice, performance, and electronic music with Luigi Ceccarelli — Tempo Reale Festival 2021; Nico Note and Monica Benvenuti — Tempo Reale 2022; Poetry and Performance with Rosaria Lo Russo from 2019 to 2021, and several workshops in various theater and body disciplines.

He is one of the founders of the multimedia poetry collective Fumofonico, with whom plays a pivotal role as an artist and curator of several live performances, radio programs, and video and audio productions.  

With the project San Giorgio Cibernetico, is one of the finalists in the 2021 Alberto Dubito Prize for poetry and electronic music.

His debut album "Dedalo" is released by Fango Radio Editions in 2023.

He performed, among others, for Errant Sound, NUB Project Space, Radialsystem Berlin, Zentrum under construction, IG Jazz Berlin, Compagnia Virgilio Sieni, Emilia Romagna Teatro, Fondazione Morra Napoli, Tempo Reale Firenze, Murate Art District, DAS Bologna, Manifattura Tabacchi, Biodiversità Records; his works appeared at Radiophrenia Festival Glasgow and On Air On Site Festival The Hague, Noods Radio, Usma Radio.


mattozoppi (at) gmail (dot) com

 © Matto Zoppi 2024