

sSound VVoicee Pperfformer. 
Always been interested in language as a tool for interpreting and transforming reality - My artistic expression involves sound, poetry, and extended voice techniques aimed at evoking grotesque and liminal narrative tensions.

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sSound VVoicee Pperfformer.
Always interested in language as a tool for creating and interpreting the world, his artistic expression involves sound, poetry and extended voice techniques aimed at evoking grotesque and liminal narrative tensions.






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Live @GADA Playhouse
Florence, IT

“The act of artistic creation is something totally unnatural. Our digestive system has the job of processing what we ingest, then expelling it through the anal orifice, into a new substance that is meaningless but useful for fertilizing the earth again in the renewal of the cycle. But if one were able to crystallize and retain within oneself one's experiences, stirring in the wet and projecting oneself into spaces and times already experienced, and then express them by vibrating them together with one's vocal cords what would one create? A world, or perhaps a labyrinth with no entrances or exits, locked in a new kind of sterile cycle that can only repeat itself endlessly and that bends to the sole imaginative will of the artist who has decided to bring it to life with his or her thoughts. Entering it means following nonlinear paths, directed by sounds and voices of ghosts that inhabit Matto Zoppi's stomach that give us pieces of a puzzle of which we cannot see the central figure. A circular journey inside a garden that gradually withers, like our memory, which does not grant its inhabitants a way out.”
(Matteo Mannocci)

Written and composed by Matteo Zoppi
Mixed by Francesco Toninelli
Mastered by Renato Grieco
Grafic design by Tomato Cappelletti 

Released on June 9, 2023 by Fango Radio Editions

Selected for Radiophrenia Festival 2023 and On Air On Site Festival 2024

 © Matto Zoppi 2024